Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Some more pictures

1) That's Sable Road at about 18 hours (<- and that's the Zambian way of expressing what time it is). 2) There's the moon. I've become such a lunatic here, I've taken about 100 pictures of that cheese ball :)

3) Believe it or not, it's winter here. All the trees and bushes are blooming!

4) A lizard at KYPT yard. There are plenty of those here everywhere.

5) Neighbourhood in Kabulonga. The current president of Zambia has lived in Kabulonga as well, or so I was told by a local taxi driver.

6) The swimming pool (and the sauna building) at Sable Road.

7) KYPT Restaurant. Sometimes you can buy food there, but most of the time they have nothing to offer. That's where I had nshima for the first time. As you can see, Zambians just love to paint on walls/cars/everything.

8) That's where I'm at right now.

P.S. I've discussed the economic and political situation in Zambia and Zimbabwe with local people. It has certainly been interesting! I'll give you my report on that next time!

P.P.S. We (me, Riikka, Mariska) are going to Livingstone on Friday next week. I really want to see the Vic Falls now that there's some water left. In October, when I'm going there again with Tuukka, it will be rather dry and pathetic :/ But no worries babes, I'm sure it'll still be the most wonderful journey ever :)

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